RIO Brazilian Steakhouse Supper Club Prices

This site is not associated with RIO Brazilian Steakhouse Supper Club
4/5 - (Yelp Avg.)
Prices may vary by location and are updated frequently.

Here’s a list of RIO Brazilian Steakhouse Supper Club menu prices:



Picanha Sirloin$19.00
Chicken Drums$19.00
Chorizo Sausage$19.00
Jumbo Shrimp$19.00
Lamb Sirloin Top$19.00
Parmesan Pork Loin$19.00
Bacon Wrapped Chicken Thighs$19.00
Beef Petit Tenders$19.00
Pineapple with Jackfruit and Eggplant Bacon$19.00
Salmon Fillet$19.00
Chicken Breast$19.00
Grilled Vegetables$19.00
Pork Buckeye$19.00
Beef Side Ribs$19.00
Grilled Pineapple$19.00
Feature Fish$19.00
Wild Game Feature$19.00
Disclaimer: PriceListo gathers actual pricing information from sources such as on-site visits, business websites, and phone interviews. The prices reported on this webpage derive from one or more of those sources. Naturally, the prices reported on this website may not be current, and may not apply to all locations of a given business brand. To obtain current pricing, contact the individual business location of interest to you.
PriceListo RIO Brazilian Steakhouse + Supper Club prices provided by PriceListo.

If you want to learn more information about RIO Brazilian Steakhouse Supper Club, visit their official website.

RIO Brazilian Steakhouse Supper Club YouTube